Be creative.
This is creativity at its best! We partnered with the HHS Drama Club to create and perform brand-new theater in just 24 hours. A political comedy, a murder mystery with a twist, romance on a spaceship, and a musical in the West. This season, we added the improv team to keep everyone on their toes.
October 7th-8th, 2016
Each piece must include the following:
Prop: A picture frame
Line of dialogue: "Whatever you're going to ask, the answer is no."
Coordinator/Acting Mentor - Caitlin Weber
Stage Managers - Molly McElroy, Michael Kelly, Jessie Langenfeld
Lighting Designer/Tech - Mark Kieffer
Writing Mentor - Robin Starch
Directing Mentor - Libby Wasylik
Acting Mentor - Tom Sorenson
Photographer - Michelle DelCastillo
Graphic Designer - Thomas Bonneville
Video - Dave Wasylik
Box Office - Aaron Henry
Marketing - Katie Zuzek
Sue Wagner
Kathy Henry
The Black Dirt Moms
John Henry
Katie Henry
Pam Girgen
Amber Castle
Bobbi Hansen
Leah King
Calonice Meiners
Kelli Tatum
Rob Andersen
Steve Soler
April Simon
Special thanks to Mike Johnson and the Hastings Senior High School
Host: Logan Martin
Genre: SciFi/Fantasy
Writer: Thomas Bonneville
Director: Aaron Henry
Andrew Miller
Leah Christine
Mikos Mitchell
Suellen Weber
Genre: Western
Writer: Mitchell Bugni
Director: Krista Gomez
Andrea Hopkins
Eliana Lawrence
Lexie Langenfeld
Zach Filkins
Genre: Comedy
Writer: Marty Weber
Director: Darlene Olson
Heidi Langenfeld
Maggie Weiss
Meghan Knapp
Shelley Jensen
Tom Sorenson
Genre: Murder/Mystery
Writer: Steve Beal
Director: Bob Lawrence
Brita Lawrence
Norman Denzer
Stacy Sarette
Thomas Renner
Improv Team: Aaron Henry, Dave Wasylik, Joren Skov, Libby Wasylik, Tom Sorenson, Zach Filkins